
"Documenting Life in Ammon"

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Walmart Gets a Facelift

Kendall Purser

As you embark on your back to school shopping, you may want to plan in some extra time if the Ammon Walmart is on your list of places to shop.

The interior of the store is currently undergoing renovations. So far the changes appear to be in an effort to make the floor plan of the store match those of other stores in the area. The electronics section has doubled in size at the back of the store, the hardware section is moving to the long axis of the store where the toy section was previously, and the front of the store has a large area walled off for construction. If the pattern holds true, this area will likely end up as the pharmacy by the time all is said and done.

In addition to moving departments around, the store is also removing large areas of the familiar white tile in exchange for a polished concrete floor. This is similar to the Idaho Falls Walmart which made the same transition several years ago.

Before you bemoan the changes and frustration of a new floor plan, the store has taken into account the need for school supplies which are all currently located in the garden center at the far south end of the store. 

The remodel started in late July and will continue through the next few months.

Paula & Simon: 08-21-2021


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Flooding Still a Problem

Kendall Purser

While the rain comes as a welcome change from the haze and smoke we've had recently, it also causes concern for some Ammon residents.

Teton Street in the Hillview subdivision is one such area. During any reasonable rainstorm the run off from the subdivision pools on this street where several pumps struggle to keep up with the influx of water. This is due in part to Ammon's aging infrastructure. 

One pump in question was replaced only a few years ago, but the holding tank beneath the street was not designed to hold such a large amount of water.

I spoke to Jim Key of the Public Works department and he said that the city is planning on a larger reservoir when they widen the streets in Hillview but that isn't scheduled for at least three more years.

This issue caused one resident to put in what he calls "defensive landscaping" after a particularly heavy rainfall left the flood height only a few feet from his garage. During that same storm he said  garbage cans were drifting down the street and emptying their contents along the way.

The city does have several back up pumps they can deploy if things get really bad. On at least one occasion they have even called on the fire department to use their fire trucks for extra bandwidth. Thankfully a plan is in the works to remedy this situation so residents have hope for a flood free street in the near future.

Monday, August 16, 2021

School Registration Underway

Kendall Purser

As the summer draws to a close, empty school halls beckon, and feet young and old return to the corridors of learning.

School registration started this week for Bonneville School District 93, with high schools and middle schools operating registration tables from 11am-7pm on Monday and 8am-4pm on Tuesday. While elementary school registration was handled online this year.

Students were able to pay fees for sports, band, yearbooks, and parking passes, as well as getting their locker assignments. Bell Photography was also on hand at the high schools to get pictures for student ID cards and activity cards. 

Parents were also able to register for Power school to gain access to their students grades and teacher communication tools.

Air Quality Alert!

Smokey skies over Hillcrest HS
Kendall Purser


At noon on August 16th, the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Air Quality Division issued an air quality alert for Bonneville County residents stating:

"Those individuals who are sensitive to increased particulate or smoke levels are encouraged to limit prolonged or strenuous outdoor activity." 

They also stated that increased symptoms of asthma and respiratory isssues is likely. 

They will reevaluate air quality conditions and issue another statement around 3pm on August 17.